Thursday, October 13, 2011
Soccer time!!!!
Chase is finally old enough to be in soccer and he loves it! We have practice every week and his first game is this Saturday and we.... I can't wait!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Park day!
With the weather being amazing we have spent a lot of time at different parks. The boys love being outside so we are there for hours no joke.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Bath time
So I love pinterest! I am always looking for new ideas on what to do with the boys. Here are some of the bath time things we have done.... Paint with waters colors and glow sticks in the dark. Everything i needed was all at the dollar store. The boys had a lot of fun!!!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Phone pictures
So I was going through my phone pictures and found all these pics of chase that he took of himself. There were 16 total but here are just 3.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Diamond Backs game
I have a ton of pics on my phone and I just realized I can blog from my phone so I hope this turns out okay. We went with Curtis family last week to the diamond backs game and to the spaghetti factory. We had a lot of fun before we....the boys.... Got really bored.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Dinner With the Girls!
Jessica and Amy came into town a couple of weeks ago...and I am just now getting around to blogging it. One of the nights all of us girls got together at Olive Garden to have dinner to celebrate Selena's pregnancy and my birthday. It is so fun to hang out with these girls!
Amy had to leave before we took these pictures...
We are trying to show Selena what it is like to have a baby....Jessica must have very happy births....Becky is catching her kid....Selena is realizing she just gave birth to a bunny....and Allison has C-Sections so she is ripping her stomach open.

Friday, September 23, 2011
What was I thinking...
I decided while Chase worked on his letters I would give Ethan a little bucket of uncooked rice he could play with and bury his cars in and scoop in...he was doing so good with it and keeping it in the little container. Then Chase noticed what he was doing and an all out rice fight started...I had rice all over the kitchen. The boys had it in their hair, they tracked it all over the house. It made a mess.
So I let them move it out side....and it again got think I would learn my lesson.
This is Chase when I said I was going to have to clean up all the rice and they had to be done with it.

Now I have birds all over my front yard eating the rice I blew into the grass.
6 years!
Curtis and I had our six year wedding anniversary this past August. This year Curtis did this whole surprise get away for us. I really had no idea! I woke up that morning to flowers, a necklace, and a note folded up as a heart saying to have some clothes packed for him and I and to be at his parents house by 3. So when I got to his parents house I noticed a second surprise...more for Curtis not me...he rented a 2012 Mustang GT, we left the kids at my in-laws and the third surprise was an over nighter in Sedona. When we got to Sedona there was one more surprise, at the restaurant Curtis had reserved the one and only special booth. It was a little nook off to the side with a curtain around you so you are all by yourself and rose peddles all over the table and candle light. It was great and the food was amazing...we are going to go back there!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
So I thought I would clear up this video that is going around that I know some people have seen. Well, the other day when I was putting toys away I happen to notice a huge roach next to my front door, on its I HATE HATE roaches. So I called my mom to see if she can come and get it, of course she told me no. So I called Curtis but he was at work, so I called my father in law and he was at his house and I just felt bad making him come over and get it. Now roaches do not make me cry, but this week for "some reason" I am a wreck and very emotional and I just had enough of this stupid thing and I just could not get the guts to do anything to it and the whole situation was so stressful that I broke down. Have you ever had such a big fear of something so little that it just annoys you? Probably not, but I do and it is roaches. So I brought in the shop vac from the garage and tried to get the hose as close as I could to the gross thing that was moving all over on its back...but then I realized that I would have to hear the roach bang back and forth in side the hose as it got sucked up. I called Curtis again and he thought I was joking, so I decided to show him this was no joke... I HATE ROACHES....and sent him this little video that is now all over facebook and you tube thanks to my amazing husband, brothers, and sister in law. And during the video the freaking roach flipped over and I freaked. He started crawling WAS GROSS!!! So roaches are not something I generally flip out about to this extent but just being this week it hit me a little harder than it normally would....and now I am embarrassed as it is being looked at by people I don't know and they think I am a psycho. Well if you want to know what happened to that gross roach I opened the front door and it crawled out and I sprayed....I drenched the stupid thing in bug spray. Then that night my great friend Becky kicked it out of my front entry way because there is no way I was touching that thing even with a broom. And if you know Curtis he is just as grossed out by those things as I am, if not more.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Chase is getting so dang big. We put him in preschool this year and he LOVES IT!!!! He is learning so much and doing so least I think he is, the teachers have said anything bad yet....
So at work they do not have any boy this is what Chase decided to do one day because he was so bored. It did not last very long but it was funny while it lasted.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
This is Ethan...My little funny boy. Well as long as I can remember Ethan has loved hair. When he was an infant he was one of those babies that would pull on hair. You would see his little hand sticking out of the breast feeding cover reaching for my hair while he was eating. At first he would pull on my hair and I would be in pain, then went to playing with my hair and running his fingers through it....Now this was only when he was tired, playing with my hair was like a comforting thing and would put him to sleep. Then some how it went from playing with my hair to sticking it in his ear....Yeah... At first it was funny "Ha Ha Ethan sticks moms hair in his ear ha ha". Whatever not a big deal. Then it got a little more often like I was his "security blanket", when he was tired, when he was sad, when he wanted to....Anyways so this when the weird stuff comes if this whole thing isn't lately he has been sticking anything and everything in his ear. I walked by and he was laying on the shag rug digging his little ear in to see if the carpet would get in there. The other day he was putting batman's foot in his ear, and the tip of the play sword...anything and everything he can think of. Then scary things like a golf tee and a pencil....So I looked on the internet and nothing really like this comes up. I was thinking of calling the doctor but I think they will just tell me to keep things out of his ear that would hurt him, and I would feel like an idiot. So has anyone ever heard of something like this? Does sticking things in your ear feel good? He puts things in both ears so he does not favor one more than the other. Just not sure what to do....
Thursday, July 7, 2011
My Pizza Man
So since we have been home from New York Curtis has been all about building a brick oven pizza. And if you know Curtis, when he gets something into his head it stays. So he started doing research (like he does on every thing he wants...I think all boys do that), then went to his parents house and started building. His hope was to have it all finished by fathers day so we could have some brick oven pizza on Fathers day. So here we are one week before...all bricked up and clay all over. They were pretty impressed with them selves.
Curtis Brick still has the sand inside because that is what is holding the clay mold up till it drys then they scoop and vacuum it all out.
We came by a few day later to see the clay cracked all over...Curtis was pretty bummed.
This is the back part where the fire goes in at.
Curtis decided to try in anyway and made the boys a cheese quesadilla it in.
They were excited...and it turned out really good. We loved it!
Saturday...a day before Fathers day we decided to go over and make a pizza just to see how it was going to taste, we were cooking for all curtis's family so it had to be good. Curtis started the charcoal and it got hot and the clay started popping off...
Then it started to cave in on the fire...

Then in blew up/collapsed and here is curtis putting it out. Sad.

Then in blew up/collapsed and here is curtis putting it out. Sad.
So what does Curtis do...he tries to build another one out of things he can find at his parents house...He does not give up. Like I said when he has something in his head it does not get out.
Here we are Fathers Day making Brick Oven Pizza and it was so dang good not going to lie. It was not the prettiest thing and was kind of white trash looking but it worked!
Chase waiting for his pizza to be done.
Curtis taking out someone's pizza...he was pretty proud of himself.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sahuaro Ranch Park with Allison
Right before we left for New York we met up with Allison at the park for some fun. We had a picnic and chased the birds around and played on the was fun.

The boys after a peacock

Here is little Sam making his "ROAR" sound at Chase...and Chase seems to be a little taken back
The boys contemplating whether to jump or not.
Chase loves he is trying to make cute little Mollie laugh

The boys after a peacock
Alright...I love this picture. I feel really bad putting it on though. one day this picture is going to be so embarrassing for my Chaser. This will be the picture I will show to girls he brings home. But I think this picture is too funny not to post. Here is Chaser on his "phone" (it is one of Curtis's old phones and it still works but does not get service but he carries it everywhere and pretends to email his girlfriend Emma...well he thinks he is actually emailing her...) but he is wearing his soccer cleats we got from the people I nanny, with black church socks and his undies. Plus we have all had bad head colds for the past week so he looks sick with buggers all over his face. One day he will hate me for this...but I love you!

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