So Chase turned three! It is so weird to think I have a three year old. I know it is not that old, but it is just weird to think I am a mom. So on this great day we woke Chase up and took him to IHop, then over to Wal Mart and then home to play with his new cool toy he chose. We were going to take him to a movie but Chase is such a home body that he would rather stay home and play. Then that night we went to red robin and had dinner. After dinner we had some family over and had cake and ice cream! It was a great day!
Sharing his new toy.
His birthday cake...pops made it.
Ethan eating cake...oh what a mess that was to clean up.
So I have had two little boys in diapers for the past two years (well Ethan will be two in April so close enough) and $80 a month for diapers is not so much fun anymore (not that it ever was but...I am tired of diapers). So this week we started potty training. This was the poster I made for him. Every time he went potty on the toilet he got a piece of candy and when he went so many times he was able to go to wal mart and get a small toy. Every time he messed up he got candy put back on the poster. So far we have received one toy from walmart (we are talking little $2 toys). Today we did really good with no accidents. But potty training is stressful!

This is the only shot with out his dinker.

So right now I am doing the HCG diet and this right here is what is killing me. I love these things and it is such a temptation but I have been strong and have limited myself to two a day. I am trying to get the boys to eat them so I dont just go crazy and eat the whole box. I have zero self control!

So this jacket chase is wearing was Curtis's when he was 4. My mother in law dropped it off the other day and I love it! She even has a picture with Curtis in it so I had to do the same with Chase. She got it from Good Will way back then, so I got the shirt underneath at DI. Got to go with the whole second hand store theme here. Plus I love DI now....Alicia lets plan another trip here soon!
My Boys!!! Chase is making him stand still so I could get their picture.