We bought the boys a tramp for Christmas (well we got it in November and let them have it early so they can enjoy it...actually we were to excited to wait for Christmas)
Me and Chase
My boys racing at the park...love this picture
So Curtis family has this tradition that on New Years Day Santa is going back home to the North Pole and on his way back he will stop by the house and leave whatever left over presents he had in his sleigh, only if you leave your shoes by the front door...so we started this tradition at our house and this is chase running out of his room to see what he got that morning. PURE JOY!!
My little Ethan...love him!!
My happy Chaser on Christmas Eve
Ethan's Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa (my parents)
Love this picture...Chase and Dad
Me and Curtis
Christmas Morning
Chaser and his Christmas gifts
So I took Chase into the doctor because he was doing all these weird things....They thought he was having seizures...so we had to do an EEG and this is Chase all hooked up and just waking up. He was so good this day. I thought he would be terrified but he let them hook him all up and took a nap for them and let them run some tests and never complained once. Well after 3 different doctor visits and $600 later he ends up only having a tick disorder... and it is hereditary so he takes after his uncle nick and uncle greg...thanks guys. (and you owe me $300 each)