Here we are at the park snapping some quick photos for my mother in law's mothers day gift
Chase learning how to ride our bike. Safety First!
Me and Curtis at my in laws stake prom. We just stopped by to see all the decorations that's why we are not dressed up.
Here we are playing at the water park
I thought I would see how Chase would do with potty training so we got big boy under ware...it didn't last long. I don't think he likes the way they feel on his bum
My boys swimming at Granny and Pops house! Chase looks like a chunker in this picture
Swimming with Pops!
Chase and Ethan having fun!
My little guys showing off there battle wounds. Cant really see them but Chase has a big bump on his head and Ethan's lip got cut and his eye lid is all black. They were not fighting eachother...just over the day we seem to have had a lot of bumps and bruises
Watching Shrek 4 in 3D. Not a very good movie...kind of boring.
Chase getting his first haircut. He was so excited to go but as soon as he sat down he went into shock mode. He did not move a muscle the whole time. Wouldn't even look over at me. It was very funny!
Notice the drool (on the cape and coming off his lip). With being in a total shock state he didn't even swallow. GROSS! And even with it all over and done with he still will not give me a smile so I can take a good picture.
Having Daddy time and building a fort in my living room. Guess who had to clean it all up...?